Download Metroid Prime Trilogy for £8.99 (screw you, eBay)

Download Metroid Prime Trilogy for £8.99 (screw you, eBay)

Jan 15, 2015

See that video up there? That’s what all the games sites have split into a dozen or so separate SEOtastic news posts. We’re not doing that at Critical Gamer; partly because we think it’s extremely cynical and disrespectful to our dear readers to needlessly plough the internet for ‘hits’ in such a way, but mostly because it’s...

2014 – gaming year in review

2014 – gaming year in review

Jan 7, 2015

2014 was disappointing for gaming on a number of levels, with several games not living up to early hype, and others getting released in a broken state. Of all the console manufacturers I would say Nintendo had the best year, with the Wii U finally producing some top notch games like Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2 and Super Smash Bros. Sony and Microsoft may have...

Why you should buy an Xbox One. Or a PS4. Or maybe a Wii U.

Why you should buy an Xbox One. Or a PS4. Or maybe a Wii U.

Jan 2, 2015

Like many (most?) people, I was determined to never purchase an Xbox One after its disastrous reveal event. Not much has changed to the machine since then – apart from the removal of the demand for an internet connection, the removal of the demand for Kinect to be plugged in, the removal of Kinect from the box altogether, the removal of the emphasis on “TV...

The DLC Song (to be sung to the tune of ‘Jingle Bells’)

The DLC Song (to be sung to the tune of ‘Jingle Bells’)

Dec 24, 2014

We present this to you ‘pon Christmas Eve, the day we now celebrate which has its roots in Samhain, an old Celtic festival where people would sacrifice apples, carrots and goats in fear of the dead returning to walk amongst the living… no, wait, sorry; that’s All Hallows’ Eve. Christmas Eve is the day we remember that Santa gave his life...

Rune Factory 4: review

Rune Factory 4: review

Dec 19, 2014

Format: 3DS Unleashed: Out Now Publisher: XSEED Games, Marvelous Europe Developer: Neverland Co Players: 1 Site: Rune Factory 4 is the fantasy spin off of Harvest Moon, which means it entails farming and fighting monsters. Given that it’s a title that isn’t full of ‘mature’ content, the beating the tar out of...

Critical Gamer’s most utterly wanted for 2015

Critical Gamer’s most utterly wanted for 2015

Dec 17, 2014

It’s Christmas time! Sort of! It’s that heartwarming season that brings out the slobbering avaristic beast in all of us. There’s much buying and demanding of presents, many British people glumly resigned to the fact that they’ll get all the cold of the season and none of the snow, and millions of people across the planet fondling presents...
