Serious Sam 3 DRM features immortal scorpion

To say that Serious Sam 3’s anti-piracy measure features an immortal scorpion is a tad misleading. Serious Sam 3’s anti-piracy measure is an immortal scorpion.

Developer Croteam decided to pass over the invasive and restrictive DRM measures that limit game activations or insist on the Internet, and instead decided to drop a big red scorpion on illegitimate players.

As the video above shows, the bright red abomination will chase after players who have pirated the game, constantly hounding them until they are dead. The invincible scorpion can run faster than the player, has a massive stinging tail used for bludgeoning and sports two arm mounted cannons for those who can outmanoeuvre it.

This is the kind of hilarious, game breaking DRM we’d like to see in more games. Imagine if The Sim’s anti-piracy measure caused all house foundations to be set in quicksand, or if the DRM in Assassins’ Creed replaced Ezio’s wrist blades with flags that just have “Stab” written on them. The world would be a better place.


Spotted on DSOGaming

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Written by Anthony H

Anthony has been playing games for far too much of his life, starting with the MS-DOS classic Mario is Missing. Since then his tastes have evolved to include just about anything, but his soft spot lies with shooters and the odd strategy game. Anthony will inspire you with his prose, uplift you with his wit and lie to you in his biography.

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