Nintendo Makes Wiiware and DSi Ware Announcements

Photobucket Yesterday Nintendo announced their up and coming WiiWare and Dsiware content due for release over the autumn and xmas period.

The WiiWare service has had a number of notable titles, which have really been picking up in quality and gameplay experience in recent weeks. Games to be released for the system include the sequel to the critically acclaimed LostWinds, a new version of Worms, and new chapters in the Monkey Island franchise.

The Dsi download service is still pretty young with a low volume of content, not all of it great in terms of gameplay experience. However, as with WiiWare, there has recently been a range of improved titles and useful utilities which move Nintendo beyond the ‘Mario Clock’ and ‘Mario Calculator’ offerings (something which should have been included in the unit, or which could still be given away free at some point in the future). Titles to look out for include a port of the Iphone’s very popular Flight Control and Bomberman Blitz!

The full list is available here…….

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Written by Steven G

Steven Gurevitz is the owner of 2002 Studios. 2002 Studios started off as a music production company, but now project manages and collaborates content production in general from video to videogames. He also owns the Urban Sound Label, a small niche e-label. He is a freelance music tech writer, having co-written the Music Technology Workbook and is a regular contributor to He enjoys FPS, Third person 'free world', narrative driven and portable gaming.

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