Steam Powered Macs

Great news for Apple Mac owners, Valve have just released the download gaming service Steam for the platform. There are initially 63 games to download, including World of Goo, Braid and the Lucasarts Monkey Island series, and new games shall be getting released every Wednesday from now on. Also if you purchase the Mac version of a game with the “Steamplay” logo, you can also download the PC version for free, and vice versa. Valve have also included Mac support in the Steamworks development kit, which should make porting games to both platforms easier.

Portal is FREE, yes FREE until 24th May, so what are you waiting for!

As a celebratory offer Valve are giving away the excellent first person puzzle game Portal for free until 24th May. With the promise of the rest of Valve’s back catalogue including the Half Life and Left 4 Dead series, and all future releases getting simultaneous release on both PC and Mac, and cross platform online play, this really is an exciting time for Mac gamers.

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Written by Kevin M

I've been addicted to gaming since my parents bought an Atari console way back in the 70's. I progressed to the iconic Speccy, Amiga, and all the Playstation platforms. Having seen games evolve from single pixel bat and ball, to HD constructed environments, gaming has changed much from my early years. Having defeated the rock hard R-Type on the Speccy, the biggest challenge I've faced so far is putting up with the hordes of American teens spouting abuse in the current generation of consoles, noob indeed!

One comment

  1. Kevin M /

    My iMac has been sadly neglected as a gaming device, apart from Football Manager 2010, and Settlers 7 sessions. This is fantastic news, and Portal being free on both Mac and PC is a great start.

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