Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Grumpy Gurevitz: The Sound of Gaming

May 25, 2010 by Steven G  
Filed under Articles, Features, PSN, Wii, Xbox Live

I own all the main gaming platforms, bar PC (I’m a Mac man you know) and over time it’s become clear that each machine has a different core demographic. I say it’s become clear, but I don’t mean I have done extensive research and can provide broken down stats to make my point. Hell no! I’m an opinionated columnist and Ill just write what I think based upon my experiences.

Grumpy Gurevitz: Why it’s time to give the PSP Go a chance. Really.

March 31, 2010 by Steven G  
Filed under Articles, Features, PSP/PSPGo, Sony

My PSP3000 recently developed a fault as the screen got two horrible lines going all the way across it. For some, this would be something they can live with. For me it was something that was a real problem and so I called Sony to find out what it would cost to repair, with the answer being; £75 with only a 3 month warranty.

Grumpy Gurevitz: Auch Aye the Noo

March 25, 2010 by Steven G  
Filed under Articles, Features

I was on holiday recently, visiting family in Glasgow. A lovely place with lovely responsible people. Whilst there, we had a day in town to look at some shops and keep my wee one occupied (we had already done Loch Lomond and the transport museum).As one does, we went into a shopping centre and low and behold we were in a store, which also happened to include a GAME. For our international readers, GAME is the largest specialist game retailer in the UK.

Grumpy Gurevitz: Overload!

March 3, 2010 by Steven G  
Filed under Features

2009 according to many, was a light year when it came to ‘big’ and quality releases. This perception is mainly due to the latter half of the year being dominated by Modern Warfare 2. However the rest of the year was alive with interesting, high quality and fun titles for all the platforms.

Grumpy Gurevitz: The Sky’s the limit

December 23, 2009 by Steven G  
Filed under Articles

I do not have a subscription to Sky. Sky, for our international readers, is the most successful subscription based TV service in the UK. Traditionally it’s distributed via satellite technology with setup boxes, but in the last year or so it has created a web offering and migrated to consoles.

Grumpy Gurevitz: Stupid People Lead Me To Violence!

November 23, 2009 by Steven G  
Filed under Features

What causes violence? If you are fan of George Lucas then you know that ignorance leads to fear, fear leads to anger, and anger to violence. I ask this as currently we are going through the yearly attack on gaming, largely caused by Modern Warfare 2; but most probably an attack which would have attached itself to another game had MW2 not been released.
