Monday, November 30, 2009

Grumpy Gurevitz: Stupid People Lead Me To Violence!

November 23, 2009 by Steven G  
Filed under Features

What causes violence? If you are fan of George Lucas then you know that ignorance leads to fear, fear leads to anger, and anger to violence. I ask this as currently we are going through the yearly attack on gaming, largely caused by Modern Warfare 2; but most probably an attack which would have attached itself to another game had MW2 not been released.

Grumpy Gurevitz: Call to a New Console! Modern Stupidity

November 11, 2009 by Steven G  
Filed under Articles, Features

Buying a console is not as easy as it used to be, or as it should be.

In the old days we didn’t have backwards compatibility to worry about. Nor did we really have to worry about ‘content’ and save games as the consoles either didn’t offer it or it was a simple case of buying a cheap memory card.
